Friday, January 21, 2011

i'm sure it represents something incredibly deep (5)

this art installation that is. but i didn't bother to read the sign that explained what it all meant, i just thought it looked pretty. i saw it on my way to the library. my second visit to a library in about 15 years, the first being earlier this week to get a membership card. there are some books there i want to read that i can't get on my kindle and i am loathe to purchase any more books as i don't have the space. oh for one of those houses with super high ceiling where the walls are shelves and shelves waiting to be filled with books. anyway i took this photo with my mobile phone so i might go back with the DSLR to take a better one. by the way, the building in the background is the ACT parliament building. yes, very underwhelming isn't it!

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