Sunday, February 28, 2010

amber lighting, amber fluids

the light swinging gently in the breeze above me as i sat in the open window at the front of the little creatures brewery on brunswick street, fitzroy on a roasting hot november afternoon enjoy some amber ales. bliss and relaxation.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

i would like to come back as a tree in the next life

and spend my days swaying in the wind, providing a perch for chirping birds, a playground for possums, dripping rain down over and off my leaves, and growing reaching stretching up towards the sun. how lovely that would be.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

no sign of miranda

an outing or event that fulfills a lifelong dream or wish is always charged with some excitement or emotion. i finally got to walk around and up into hanging rock in victoria last year. and the sight of it struck a real chord in me. it felt truly truly eerie. so quiet, no noise except the wind through the trees and an occasional bird. we were the only ones there at the time. it was easy to imagine being a schoolgirl wandering through the ancient rock formations....