Monday, May 31, 2010

me & a (sho)gun

tori amos cranked. clear clean crisp autumn day. solarised effect.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

tour de canberra

when i first moved to the nation's capital a decade ago, one of the things canberrans raved about (still do, mind you, and i am now one of them!) and which became quite obvious after living here even a short time, was that bicycling is very popular here and that there are awesome bike paths throughout the spread of the territory. so i quickly bought a bike, but for some reason didn't use it much at first. it was just a few years back that i became a huge fan of the cycling commute. i loved not being beholden to sitting in traffic or using public transport, being green, and arriving at my destination clearheaded from my individual quiet time. not to mention the fastest way for me to get to work from home (all of 4.5km) is on my trusty shogun :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

i'm being followed by a catshadow

another one of lexie. standing on the window sill, basking in the morning sun and having a look around outside for a pretty bird or two. two perfectly pleasurable ways to spend one's time ;)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

red white and blue

the australian flag as viewed through an autumn kaleidoscope. i love autumn in canberra. it's a real struggle to choose my favourite season between autumn and spring. both are delightfully refreshing cool and crisp, and an utter relief from the extremes of summer and winter.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

unfinished sympathy

massive attack at the royal theatre in canberra, from a couple of months ago. it was nearly 20 decades ago i first heard and loved their music. yeah that makes me feel bloody old.