Thursday, January 8, 2009

dearest jack(et)

this handsome creature is mands' and my first cat jack who died when his heart failed 9 days after we brought lexie home as a friend for him. he was diagnosed with a heart murmur in a checkup just prior to getting lexie. the vet assured us that he would be absolutely fine until he got much older (he was only 3 years old) and only then would he have to go on medication, but only 2 weeks later he died. i heard him collapse early one morning, i was in with him less than a minute later, and in a panic even tried to revive him with mouth-to-mouth but he was gone already :( at least it was very quick, and he loved lexie from the word go so his final days were happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is one of my favourite photos of Jicky, such a nice cat!