Monday, January 24, 2011

the toilet and the tower (8)

this is a sight common to me in my bicycle commute to work. while it's ordinary as it comes, and it is probably a really boring photo for others, there's something i really like about it. well i like the view itself, which is what i've tried to capture. the juxaposition of a toilet block with the black mountain tower. to be honest i probably like the look of the toilet block more, oddly enough. at least it's been gentrified to a degree with some interesting and colourful graffiti, whereas the tower is still a plain grey concrete 1970s spaceship-like object propped atop a hill called a mountain. canberrans like naming big hills mountains. which is quite endearing in a parochial way. this photo also shows something else i love about canberra - the abundance of green in the form of nature reserves. this location is a mere 5km maximum from the city centre. lots of green makes for serene living.

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