i've always been serious about trying to take the best photos i could. now i finally have the equipment to take me much further on that journey, a canon 550d dslr twin lens kit. i've been meaning to buy a really good camera for years but kept on putting it off, until my sister asked me to take her wedding photos this year. so now i have four months to make sure i'm the best i can be, otherwise... well i don't like to think. unrelated to the recent upgrade prompt but upon hearing about my impending purchase, my friend siobhan challenged (or invited might be a nicer term) me to join her in the 365 project, which is about uploading a photo of choice every day. anyway this shot is #1. this challenge should help get me prepped for the april nuptials shoot, not to mention such an objective should (i hope!) help this blog to become what it was supposed to be from the start. wish me luck!
Good luck Jessica..fantastic idea, will love watching your prowess evolve!!!!!
...just wish I could figure out what this is a photo of........xx
it is a close up of a vase mum bought me when she was up in december.
earth 2100!!! according to Tim Flannary -a palaentologist who has become a Climate change expert -keep up the good work
Uncle G
Good for you Jess!!! I should do something like this too. Such a great way to discoverf new things. I think this pic is interesting, has great composition and makes you think. ie, what *is* this? What *could* it be? I thought it looked like an abstract caged globe - maybe that's cos I'm a hippie. My only criticism is I didn't get a very strong emotive response from it - and that's a totally subjective thing. There's no right and wrong. I think you're wonderful. Let's rule the world. (Well you can rule, and I'll just stand behind you saying 'yeah. What she said.")
Good luck, Jess. As Bron will be able to tell you, I'm not great on the photography criticism. I'm mostly working on a binary scale - like/don't like. If you give me two photos I can also do prefer A/prefer B/can't choose.
Rarely will I be able to tell you why.
But this I like.
Good luck with the rest of the challenge.
dan i think i can add buttons along these lines. will investigate :)
Cool project! Your first photo is pretty damn good. Nice use of depth of field, great colouring.
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