i love looking out the window at clouds on plane trips, and i tend to take too many photos of them. looking upwards at clouds isn't even nearly same, somehow they lack the third dimension which is spectacularly obvious when you are up amongst them. this plane flying over our house is, i assume, en route from sydney to melbourne. i have been on a helluva lotta plane trips in my life, fortunately flying doesn't faze me at all. i have a new plane trips coming up. my next flight is this month to melbourne for work. the trip after that is next month to brisbane for fun. then the month after that to tasmania for my niece's first birthday and my sister's wedding. and the one
after that is to wing our way to berlin for some long service leave. now that is a flight to look forward to!!! a final thought in this fairly random stream of consciousness about planes.... i read a fascinating article last year about a tribe in the midde of the jungle in south america, a community completely untouched by modern civilisation. the article was accompanied by a photo taken from a plane or helicopter with the tribesmen shooting arrows up at the cameraman. can you even imagine what the tribe thought the plane and its inhabitants were? invading tribe? aliens? god? imagine not knowing about the modern world at all, not knowing about the history of the world, other cultures, science, electricity, computers, planes, trains, tv et cetera. it blows my mind. i hope that the tribe is able to continue living their lives untouched.
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